4 Top Reasons the YouTube World is Storming the Marketing Industry
YouTube is a continually growing social website that is the second largest search engine in the world, only surpassed by Google. There is an average of 1 billion mobile views a day, and the number of people watching YouTube has doubled by 2017. While the number of 18 to 49-year olds watching live TV decreased to under 4% in 2015, their time on YouTube went up to 74%. It’s a platform launched in over 88 countries around the world and which covers around 95% of the internet population.
So, are you really still questioning why YouTube marketing is essential? For small businesses, it’s a fundamental way to create a brand online and show the world what you’re really about. It is a direct way to speak and interact with your audience without having to pay a cent. And, if you’re lucky, then your YouTube marketing will have a massive impact on the way people perceive your brand online and will open up more doors for you in the future.
In case the statistics above weren’t proof enough that you should put your company or business on YouTube, we’ve listed a few reasons below…
People Spend More Time Watching Videos
Depending on the target audience of your brand or business, it may be more useful to put videos and market on YouTube rather than any other platform because around 8 out of 10 18 to 49-year-olds watch YouTube on an average month. This younger age has also been decreasing as more and more children become exposed to the online world and spend time on their technology devices to watch YouTube.
It’s also a statistic that 6 out of 10 people prefer online videos over live TV, so there’s not much point marketing on TV anymore, it’s all on the internet.
It Builds Brand Awareness
Your videos are available to almost everyone all over the world, what better way to build brand awareness than to put them for the whole world to see? YouTube builds brands and makes them even better than before. It’s an essential element of every small brand as it gives you a platform to better express what you want.
Brands like JJ’s House use YouTube to create brand awareness, and it’s the perfect example of a brand that utilizes their social media correctly.
Influencers are Very Influential
Working with influencers gives you an even bigger following to work with. Especially if you’re a small brand but have some money to pay them to advertise and promote your brand on their YouTube. Even smaller influencers are a great way to get more customers as their followers are a lot more loyal to the influencer than the bigger ones.
VeryVoga works with influencers from all over the world, and because of this, their brand is continually growing and gaining a considerable following. Influencers regularly wear and promote JJ’s House to their audience which allows the brand to become even more prominent.
Videos Have Viral Potential
If you post a video and it has something that is funny or unique about it, it has viral potential. Hundreds of thousands of videos go viral all the time, if your brand has a video that goes viral then you’ll definitely get many more customers buying your products or services. A lot of the time, brands videos that go viral will have done so for free too, so you’re reaching millions of people for no fee at all which is the best type of marketing.