A good marketing strategy starts with a good name, identifying our brand online. How can we choose a strategic domain?
Nowadays each company has a marketing department helping it spread worldwide and climbing page results through the web and Google. But when you open a start-up the marketing office doesn’t exist yet or maybe it’s not well organized yet. So, how do we set a proper digital marketing strategy?
Obviously, you can choose to rely on a professional or an external web agency, you can give them your project and clarify what you want and expect.
What do you need to create a project?
The first step is to create a domain. A simple domain, easy to remember, easy to communicate, a domain which explains the whole project in a few words. If you are a professional, your name may be enough. All you have to do is to verify the availability on the registration of domains and buy at least the more common extensions, like .com and .uk.
But if you do not own a company, how can you choose your domain? First, choose a domain which is very easy to remember. Let’s see some examples: if you want to open a SPA, you will probably want the custom to remember good experiences and suggest good sensations of relaxation and youth, so you’ll get names like Harmony, Tranquility, Elixir and similar. The idea is to go to the core of your business through simple words. A perfect example of the implementation of this concept is the website Casino.com. It deals with online casino games and the owner chose the perfect domain, essential and effective: nothing easier to communicate and to remember, they perfectly explained their core business.
Why would you want a keyword in your domain?
It would be ideal to have a keyword in the domain, and when the keyword is your domain, well, it’s perfect. Your marketing strategy will work, since the brand will gain value and the revenues will grow, thanks to the SEO and positioning of the website. That’s why you always have to check carefully for all the opportunities while searching for your perfect domain name.