If you’ve got an excellent idea for a business and just cannot wait to secure funding, then there are number of ways you can raise the finances in a fast manner. It may be that you are worried someone else will steal the idea or it is based around a time sensitive event, and there is no time to lose. Securing a grant or loan for your business can sometimes be a lengthy process, but these funding options will be much quicker.
Peer-to-Peer Lending
An alternative method of borrowing, peer-to-peer lending can be done through a range of websites. These match up borrowers and start-up companies looking for investors with people willing to put money into them for a long period of time, hoping for a good return. Borrowers are assessed through credit checks, to protect investors, but these can be done in little time. Plus, start-ups can be matched up with appropriate investors quickly and have access to their designated funds in next to no time, far quicker than a standard bank loan.
Crowdfunding can be a lengthy process, but with the ability to set a deadline for when you need to have funded a certain amount, it can also be a great way to raise money in a matter of days or weeks. With the right amount of promotion, benefits for investors and not too ambitious a target, you could have the funds in days. Plus, you will have access to the money a couple of days after the target has been hit, and may even earn more than you need.
Active Trading
Trading on the financial markets offers opportunities to profit greatly from the price movements of everything from currencies to commodities. There are many long-haul strategies, but for the quickest ways to profit, active trading is the way to go. Scalping is the fastest, where trades are held for a short period and profits aimed to be made from small movements. Risks of loss are involved and you will need a good understanding of the markets or help from a broker to be confident in making money this way.
Borrow from Friends and Family
What kind of loan can be actioned almost immediately, with highly attractive interest rates and no time wasted filling out forms? One from your friends or family. Not everyone will be comfortable asking for money from their close ones, but if you are confident in your start-up and have friends and family willing to lend you money then this is arguably the quickest way to access the required finances.
Credit Cards
Depending on how much money you need to get started, you may be able to use one or two credit cards to raise the funds. Interest and the effect on your credit score are some of the potential pitfalls of using credit cards, but for access to funds the next day, this is one of the quickest options.
Consider all these ways to fund a start-up in next to no time and choose the one which best suits your style and business plan.