If you get yourself caught in a car accident, you’ll most likely suffer injuries and require immediate medical assistance. Even if the accident was due to another party, you have to keep in mind that they won’t pay your medical bills unless a judge orders them to do so. Unless you’re ready for a settlement, it’s very likely you won’t get any financial assistance to cover your medical bills.
This begs the question – how will you manage your medical bills following a car accident?
How Your Bills Get Paid
In Atlanta, if you’re involved in a car accident, your Personal Injury Protection (PIP)will provide you coverage during the initial phase of your treatment. This policy is implemented to cover for your treatment should you sufferinjuries while on the road. However, it has its limits.
According to Christopher Simon Attorney at Law, the following are what a PIP can cover:
- $10,000 for Medical Bills. The PIP can offer $10,000 coverage for medical bills due to injuries from a road accident. However, you need to be in an Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) to qualify for the coverage.
- $2,500 if without an EMC. If you don’t have an EMC, you’ll only get $2,500 coverage for your medical bills.
- $5,000 Death Benefit. In the event that you die in a car accident, your immediate family will receive $5,000 death benefit to cover the costs for your funeral, etc.
A PIP will provide coverage to individuals even if they don’t have any insurance.
Who Will Cover the Medical Bills?
Most clients often have the misconception that their lawyer will be the one to cover their medical expenses until they can receive a compensation. However, that is not exactly the case.
Your lawyer will record all of your medical expenses while the case is in progress so he can tally the amount of damages you suffer. However, he won’t be the one to actually pay the bills. Ultimately, you will be the one responsible for your own medical bills.In terms of physical damage your car has sustained, either your or the at fault party’s driver’s insurance will cover it. Medical bills, on the other hand, are an entirely different story.
Christopher Simon Attorney at Law states that you will have to depend on your PIP insurance for your initial treatment, up to 80% coverage. Your health insurance will be the one to cover any additional bills. In the event you don’t have an insurance and your PIP can no longer provide you coverage, your attorney will often help you look for financial assistance.
If it’s proven that it’s the other driver’s fault, their insurance company is the one to cover any additional expenses and provide you with due compensation.
If you suffer injuries from a recent car accident, don’t hesitate to seek legal help immediately. Doing so will allow you to cover your medical expenses which will most likely be a heavy burden for you.