The process of recruitment and selection has evolved drastically in the last decade or so and the methodologies used in recruiting a professional today are completely opposite of the ones used in the past. There always exists an element of uncertainty in the process of recruitment as one never knows what attracts or repels a recruiting officer. There are some infamous do’s and don’ts associated with the entire recruitment process but none of them assure a certain level of assurance. Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of recruiting is it is done spontaneously and often for reasons the candidates are unaware and oblivious of. None knows what traits of personality, appearance, or intellect may attract the recruiter and in a dire attempt to appear diligent quite often candidates lose their track of professionalism. Following is a list of 10 surprising facts that could plausibly revolutionize the next recruitment process of your professional career (ref http://www.finaltrimoperators.com.au/ ).
Recruiters only spend 5 to 7 seconds reading your resume
Every professional spends hours and even days to craft up the most appealing and professional resume. Some of us even hire professionals to create a resume for us, something which could make us stand out among the rest. Yes! Resume holds a great deal of significance in deciding whether we bag the job or not but quite often the areas we emphasize upon in creating a resume aren’t the areas that matter. Every recruiter has their own distinctive methods of reading a resume though in average most of the recruiters often read the hardly-crafted resume for merely 5 – 7 seconds. So, it is rather better to focus on every aspect at once then focusing entirely on creating the world’s greatest resume.
53% of resumes are based on fallacy
Perhaps the most complicated job of a recruiter is not to select the best professional but it is rather to find out the most realist candidate. Most of the candidates beef up the resumes with credentials that are solely based on the fallacy. Basically, it means that there exists a 53% chance that the candidate applying for the job don’t have all the skills and capabilities that are mentioned in the resume. Perhaps that’s the reason an average recruiter only spends 5 – 7 seconds in reading it.
89% recruiters hire through LinkedIn
Social media has completely revolutionized the business world of today and tomorrow and more than 89% of the recruiters hire on the basis of candidate’s LinkedIn profile. So, if you are hoping to bag a job with everything else but a proper LinkedIn profile then according to statistics your chances of acquiring your dream job aren’t that appealing one may say.
Interviews are mostly spontaneous
According to the studies and researches of the past, only 38.2 % candidates receive proper information of an interview. The remaining percent steps into the room of a recruiter with a zero knowledge of an interview.
76% of resumes are rejected because of unprofessional email
The chances of acquiring a job with an unprofessional and immature email address are relatively lower than the chances of acquiring a job with a mediocre resume instilled with a professional email address.
Only 20% of available jobs are advertised
Rather a sore sight for the candidates in search of a job through advertisement as according to statistical data about 80% of the jobs aren’t advertised and hiring is made through personal sources.
Only 20% of all applicants get an interview call
Hundreds of people apply for jobs regardless of the stature and caliber of the position in focus. Out of these hundreds of avid seeker of knowledge, only 20% of them gets an interview call and the remaining ones are forced to wait for a call from elsewhere.
Job opening increased to six million in 2017
The current year foresaw a rapid increase in the job opening ratio and approximately six million new jobs opportunities developed in the year 2017.
33% candidates are rejected cause of bad posture
In the competitive business world of today, one cannot afford to mess things up due to controllable factors including the likes of posture and attitude. About 33% of candidates are rejected solely because of unprofessional and non-serious posture.
First 90 seconds are of the greatest significance
On average an interview last for about 40 minutes despite this, a recruiter decide whether to hire or reject a candidate in the first 90 seconds of an interview.